December 19, 2022
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To become a full-stack dev, there are actually 5 parts you need to know

To become a full-stack dev, there are actually 5 parts you need to know:
1. The World wide web
2. Client-side rendering
3. Server-side program
4. Server data
5. Browser engine

Let's go through them one by one! 👇

1. The World wide web
You need to actually understand these two concepts:
HTTP and URLs.

Information on the Internet is transferred through the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http) as HTML doucments.

And URLs are the address of these documents! 🏠

2. Client-side rendering
'Client' basically means your browser.

To be good at, you need to know: 👇
- HTML (basic mark up of web contens)
- CSS (Formatting and styling of contents)
- Javascript (Generating dynamic contents)

3. Server-side program
You need to be good with programming servers. Including working with:
- Web server (delivering contents upon request)
- Scripts like php, Node.js (Programs for preparing contents)
- HTTP (Communication between server and client)

4. Server data
You'll have to know how to work with data format like:
- Plain files

5. Browser Engines
Finally, you need to understand the fundamental web clients - browsers! 💻
You have to know how to work with:
- WebKit
- Blink
- Gecko
- EdgeHTML

By aem4beginner

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