March 18, 2020
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Introduction to Akamai (CDN -Content Delivery Network) Tools

Akamai Overview
What is Akamai?

Akamai is essentially a Content Delivery Network. Akamai delivers web content over its Intelligent Platform by transparently mirroring elements such as HTML, CSS, software downloads, and media objects from customers' servers. The Akamai server is automatically picked depending on the type of content and the user's network location. Receiving content from an Akamai server close to the user allows for faster download times and less vulnerability to network congestion.
These days most of the companies are using Akamai (CDN Tool) to monitor network traffic.
To access Akamai, enter (need URL)
which opens the Content control utility page:

These are the options under Configure:

Cache flushing is located under Publish. Click on Content Control Utility:

Next click on Ion Premier, then Continue:

This is the Content Control Utility page, where cache purging options are accessed.

There are 2 purge choices- refresh by URL, or refresh by directory and file extension. There is also a fast purge option available. Fast purge takes approximately 5 seconds.
For a specific URL, select the URLs/ARLs button then enter the full protocol inbox:

This takes you to a page select domain where there is a list of directory and file extensions. You can refresh by directory and file extension.

Depending on how you determine if something is stuck in the cache, be aware that the information lasts only for a day or so.

On this page, you can select to refresh all files or add a path to a specific file from the network tab. There is also an option to add extensions (e.g. jpg) or upload a specific file.
Purge options --out of staging environment or production.
Staging—when modifying configurations, instead of going to production on the Akamai side, this option goes into their staging environment then changes the host file to their staging environment. This allows for anything hosted by Akamai to be purged. (enhanced control utility page)

There is an email notification option to notify the requestor when the purge is complete.
If you select an email notification of a purge, you get a notification email from Akamai.
Confirm request page—provides a recap of what you are requesting.
Requests are submitted to a queue—since many companies use Akamai, your request goes to a general queue.
After submitting the purge request, click on the Return to Content Control Utility

This is the Fast Purge option:

Click on sliders under the current network and purge method :

You would get a popup message at top of the page.
This is the Rules menu which indicates the type of purge options available:

For static content information, click Static Content from the left navigation:

By aem4beginner

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