May 12, 2020
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Configuring dispatcher flush agents on Publish – Design Challenges

Having the dispatcher flush agents on publisher instead of on the author has its benefits. But configuring the dispatcher flush agents on the publisher has to be carefully thought through and made suitable for your environment.

The mapping between the dispatcher and the publisher plays a crucial role in this design. Dispatcher to publisher relationship could be
  • One to one
  • One to many
One to one configuration is straight forward. All that needs to be done in this case is to configure the flush agent for the dispatcher on that one publishes instance it is mapped to. This would make sure that for any resource that gets replicated to that publish instance, a flush request is sent to its mapped dispatcher and the resource requested gets flushed from the dispatcher cache

But the one to many mapping configurations poses issues that need to be resolved as per the application requirements.

The key question to answer is when one dispatcher is mapped to multiple publishers how many and which publisher(s) should invalidate that dispatchers cache? Can many publishers flush the cache of a single dispatcher? Would this configuration lead to some form of race condition due to the asynchronous nature of replication and cache invalidation? These questions need to be carefully analyzed based on the application scenarios.

Typically, the single dispatcher to multiple publisher mapping configuration falls into one of the below two categories
  • Aggregation configuration where a single dispatcher aggregates the requests flow to two or more publishers
  • Composition configuration where each dispatcher in the environment is connected to all publishers in the environment
Aggregation Configuration
In this configuration, dispatcher acts as an aggregator for two or more publish instances. A simple form of aggregation configuration is depicted in the diagram below

In this configuration, an optimal solution would be to configure the flush agents for a dispatcher on all the publish instances that the dispatcher aggregates. For the above configuration configure flush agents for D1 on both P1 and P2 and configure the flush agents for D2 on both P3 and P4.

This would result in duplicate flushing of cached content on dispatcher but would avoid race condition from occurring.

A worst-case scenario that could occur in this configuration on activation of a resource R1 would be the following sequence
  1. Replication requests for R1 gets placed for P1 & P2
  2. R1 gets replicated to P1, replication to P2 gets delayed
  3. P1 flushes R1 from D1
  4. User requests R1 from D1
  5. D1 does not have R1 in cache, goes to P2 to fetch R1
  6. P2 serves older version of R1 as replication has not happened on P2 yet
  7. D1 caches older version of R1 again and serves it as response to a user request
  8. Now replication of R1 to P2 happens
  9. At this stage P2 flushes R1 from D1 – the older version that got cached gets flushed
  10. A subsequent user request for R1 will now cache new version of R1 as both P1 and P2 have newer version of R1 at this stage
Though this configuration results in duplicate cache flushing from multiple publishers on to a single dispatcher, it makes sure that stale content does not live longer on dispatcher cache due to race conditions

Composition configuration
In this configuration, dispatchers and publishers are mapped in many to many configurations. It has advantages that a dispatcher can load balance across multiple publishers and the same publisher can be the renderer for multiple dispatchers thus providing maximum fault tolerance.

A simple form of this configuration is depicted below

In this configuration, each dispatcher is connected to all the publishers. Another simple and most common configuration depicted below, in which the dispatchers are connected to an external load balancer, with that load balancer distributing the requests across the publish instances would also result in the same composition mapping scenario

While it provides maximum fault tolerance, this configuration is not optimal for handling dispatcher cache flushing especially when it comes to applications with frequently changing content.

Options that can be considered for dispatcher cache flush configuration are

All publisher’s flushes cache of all dispatchers – causes network overhead and too many redundant cache flushes
A minimal subset of the publisher’s as flushing publishers for each dispatcher. This reduces the race condition though not completely avoiding it
Have one flushing publisher for each dispatcher. This could lead to a race condition
Have flushing of dispatcher cache done from the author. Simple to configure and maintain but could lead to a race condition
Purge the dispatcher cache periodically through an external mechanism (say curl fired periodically through corn)

As a best practice avoid having composition mapping configuration. Consider the Dispatcher & Publisher combined (though one to one mapping or aggregate configuration) as a single unit for scaling the publish side capacity.

In the case where composition configuration is unavoidable, supplement with periodic purging of dispatcher cache through an external mechanism stale content getting cached in rare cases do not live long on the dispatcher.

By aem4beginner

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