May 3, 2020
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URL Mapping in AEM for multilingual sites

A multilingual website is any website that offers content in more than one language.

We were adding multilingual sites for our website (project). The main requirement from the client was to include language code and country code (jp-ja, es-es, fr-fr, etc) in the urls of multi-language sites except for the English site.

Before that, let's see how the normal url redirection will happen in AEM.

Configuring an Internal Redirect from http://localhost:4503/content/myproject/abc.html to http://localhost:4503/abc.html:
Go to CRXDE and navigate to /etc/map/http

2. Create a new node of, type sling:Mapping and name localhost.4503

3. Click Save All

4. Add the following properties to the newly created node.
>Name sling:internalRedirect
>Type String[]
>Value /content/myproject

5. Click Save All

6. Then Navigate to /etc/map/http/localhost.4503

7. Create a new node of, type sling:Mapping and name redirect

8. Add the following properties to the node ‘redirect’.
>Name sling:internalRedirect
>Type String[]
>Value /$1, /content/myproject/$1.html
>Name sling:match
>Type String
>Value (.+)$

9. Then click Save All.

By this, requests such as http://localhost:4503/content/myproject/abc.html and

redirects to http://localhost:4503/abc.html.

*Note: Use ‘ . ‘ instead of ‘: ‘ while giving value. (eg.: localhost.4503).

Now, let's discuss our scenario.

Configuring an Internal Redirect from http://localhost:4503/content/myproject/en/home/abc.html to http://localhost:4503/abc.html and http://localhost:4503/content/myproject/fr-fr/home/abc.html to http://localhost:4503/fr-fr/abc.html.

In this case, the redirect url should show the country_code and language_code eg. (fr-fr) in the multilingual sites except for the English site.
  1. Go to CRXDE and navigate to /etc/map/http
  2. Create a new node of, type sling:Mapping and name localhost.4503
  3. Click Save All
  4. Add the following properties to the newly created node.
first property,

>Name sling:internalRedirect
>Type String[]
>Value /content/myproject/en/home/(.*)() , /content/myproject/([^/]+)/home(/.*)

second property,

>Name sling:match
>Type String
>Value localhost.4503/$1/$2

5. Click Save All

6. Then Navigate to /etc/map/http

7. Create a new node of, type sling:Mapping and name redirect_en

8. Add the following properties to the node ‘redirect_en’.

first property,

>Name sling:internalRedirect
>Type String[]
>Value /$1, /content/myproject/en/home/$1.html

second property,

>Name sling:match
>Type String
>Value localhost.4503/([^.]+)$

9. Create another node under /etc/map/http with,type sling:Mapping and name redirect_fr .

10. Add the following properties to ‘redirect_fr’

first property,

>Name sling:internalRedirect
>Type String[]
>Value /$1, /content/myproject/fr-fr/home/$1.html

second property

>Name sling:match
>Type String
>Value localhost.4503/fr-fr/([^.]+)$

11. Then click Save All.

Now, it will work!

By aem4beginner

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