December 29, 2020
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AEM 6.1 client context error while configuring Test and target

While configuring Test and target I have to include the client context to my site.

Now I am getting the below error in error.log. There are no issues in the functionality but i can see following lines in the error logs(user admin, local author environment(AEM6.1))

18.01.2016 09:36:47.107 *ERROR* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [1453070207104] GET /etc/segmentation.segment.js HTTP/1.1] No renderer for extension js, cannot render resource JcrNodeResource, type=rep:ACL, superType=null, path=/etc/segmentation/aam/rep:policy

18.01.2016 09:36:47.108 *ERROR* [0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 [1453070207104] GET /etc/segmentation.segment.js HTTP/1.1] No renderer for extension js, cannot render resource JcrNodeResource, type=rep:ACL, superType=null, path=/etc/segmentation/rep:policy

I am not using AAM(adobe audience manager) so why it is trying to include that node?

  • Go to the home page of your site
  • Change WCM mode to design mode and configure the Segment Path to the test and target segmentation path in your instance.

By aem4beginner

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