December 21, 2022
Estimated Post Reading Time ~

20 Git commands that you should know as a developer

20 Git commands that you should know as a developer (most important)

1. git clone <repository-url>

2. git branch <branch-name>

3. git checkout <branch-name>

4. git status

5. git commit -m "commit message"

6. git push <remote> <branch-name>

7. git add <file>/ git add -A

8. git diff <branch1> <branch2>

9. git branch -d <branch-name>

10. git pull <remote>

11. git config --global user_name "<Your-Full-Name>"

12. git log

13. git diff

14. git reset

15. git stash

16. git remote

17. git show

18. git tag

19. git merge

20. git clean

By aem4beginner

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